
Brandon Harding
How do I make money renovating apartment buildings? The term renoviction is common amongst modern age media outlets. This negative connotation is the wrong perspective on the process that the older stock apartment buildings in need of modernization are undergoing. The baby boomer generation that the typical 1950’s and 60’s apartment building was constructed for wanted basic...
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 Going once… Going twice… Not sold..? by Brandon Harding We have seen a new phenomenon rising in 2016 that is taking the sale of apartment buildings into one of the oldest forms of buying or selling goods and services..the auction. Originally established in 500 B.C, some brokers have rebranded this ancient method of bidding as a...
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Six-suite Kitsilano rental building, built in 1947, sold this in July for $750,000 per suite. NAI Commercial – 69-year-old rental suites sold for $750,000 each   Multi-family prices in Vancouver redefine “stratospheric” Frank O’Brien Western Investor   We continue to pioneer pricing to new heights in this ever skyrocketing market. Many of our Buyers have been...
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The supply/demand of the development market Understanding the price of your investment can be summed up in one simple economic concept; supply and demand. The balance between both sides of the equation represents a constantly evolving equilibrium that influences the overall value of every single development site. There are so many components at work that...
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