Southwest Coquitlam Area Plan

Southwest Coquitlam Area Plan

sw housing update thumbnail

Southwest Housing Review

Residents of Coquitlam have been asking for a land use review over the last few years, and in June 2020, Council approved the scope and process for the Southwest Housing Review. Specific neighbourhood pockets are being examined in an effort to maximize each neighbourhood to it’s best and greatest use.

The neighbourhood pockets that are being reviewed are:

  • Austin-Poirier
  • Blue Mountain-Quadling
  • Charland-Joyce
  • Miller-Grant
  • Whiting-Appian
  • Guilby-Grayson


guilby grayson survey
miller grant survey
whiting appian survey

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Three Neighbourhood Pockets Unanimously Adopted by Council

On May 30, 2022 the City Council unanimously adopted The Miller-Grant, Guilby-Grayson, and Appian-Whiting neighbourhood pockets, including these updated land uses in part of the greater Burquitlam-Lougheed Neighbourhood Plan.


Updated Draft Concepts and Phase 2 Consultation Summary

On January 28, 2022, City Council released an update regarding the general land use concepts of the initial three neighbourhood pockets under review within the Burquitlam-Lougheed Neighbourhood Plan: Grayson-Guilby, Miller-Grant, and Whiting-Appian. The three updated pocket updates are summarized below. 

Additionally, in response to the draft CDS vision, Staff have suggested temporarily deferring comprehensive land use planning for the remaining three pockets: Charland-Joyce, Blue Mountain-Quadling, and Austin-Poirier.


miller grant 02.22 update

This pocket consists of nearly 230 homes. It is currently designated a mix of Townhousing, Neighbourhood Attached Residential (NAR), and One Family Residential.

The following key changes have been suggested:

  • Creation of a new park along the corner of Grant Street and Miller Avenue
  • Updates to the transportation network
  • Expansion of medium density along Miller Avenue to create a more consistent block pattern



appian whiting 02.22 update

The area is currently approximately 173 homes with the initial concept including a mix of high-density, medium-density, and townhousing, all organized around a central Green Link, creating a linear park throughout the pocket. The original concept included a density transfer approach that minimized impact on the DCC program. Concern regarding the difficulty of assembling feasible sites with this approach leads to this update’s proposal, which now focuses on incentives rather than requirements to deliver key City priorities.  

The Green Link will now provide developers with the option of transferring density from the green area throughout a more extensive section of the plan (indicated in the map). Developers can now contemplate future projects following these density guidelines:

  1. Base Option: Develop low-rise apartment buildings synonymous to current RM-3 standards, which usually achieve 6 storeys (although 8-storeys is permitted).
  2. Encapsulated Mass Timber (EMT) Option: Develop mid-rise apartment buildings under RM-4 zoning permitting buildings up to 12 storeys through EMT construction as outlined by the BC Building Code
  3. Density Transfer Option: Develop High-rise apartment buildings by transferring density from one or more lots located within the Green Link. The density assigned to both donor and receiving sites would be based on RM-5 zoning. Donor site would transfer density to receiver site and then be donated to the City for parkland at no cost.


guilby grayson 02.22 update

The current plan is consistent with original suggestions that indicate the entire neighbourhood would be rezoned to medium (RM-3) density to remain consistent with nearby zoning.

Phase 2 Consultation Summary

City Council recently released the proposed land use maps for the 3 primary neighbourhood pockets that received the highest levels of support for rezoning: Appian-Whiting, Guilby-Grayson, Miller-Grant.  These maps were created in consideration with feedback from Phase 1 public consultation, and draft land use concepts to ensure they meet technical specification that would result in feasible and functional sites.

Land Use:

appian land use proposal


This pocket is recognized within the existing BLNP as a future planning area and is intended to serve as a transition zone from the higher density North Road corridor to the lower density established neighbourhood further to the east.

Divided into 4 quadrants that range in density designations in an effort to create a seamless transition from high density to single family properties.  The plan is also guided by a key principle to increase transportation connectivity and choice.  The plan aims to remedy the lack of connecting between north to south.

miller grant land use proposalMiller-Grant

This area has a renewed emphasis on family-oriented housing with the majority of the parcels designated for townhouse uses.  Properties nearer to Clarke road are designated for medium density.  This creates a consistent streetscape along Clarke Road and facilitates the delivery of an extension of Catherine Avenue to the existing signalized Clarke Road/Glenayre Drive interstation as previously identified during the Oakdale Land Use Designation Update.  This increase to townhouse zoning also maintains consistent residential character with adjoining Port Moody.


guilby grayson land use proposal


The Guilby/Grayson pocket already contains some medium density zoning, and the updated land use map proposed to increase this zoning throughout the neighbourhood.  This would make the land uses compatible with the surrounding neighbourhoods.

Expansion of Lower Lougheed Park will provide park and recreation access for Guilby-Grayson residents.

swhr timeline-may

Phase 1 Consultation Summary

neighbourhood pockets web

After months of open survey, city planners compiled the data received and summarized their findings. Click here to read the full report here. Each pocket is being examined individually to ascertain the needs of each specific area.

Miller-Grant, Whiting-Appian, and Guilby-Grayson all received the highest levels of support for rezoning land use.  These three neighbourhoods are currently being reviewed and staff are developing preliminary land use concepts for these areas which will be proposed to council around Summer 2021.

Based off the findings from the survey, we expect to see mainly townhouse zoning in Miller-Grant, Medium-Rise in Guilby-Grayson, and Medium-rise and High-Rise Apartments in Whiting-Appian.

The city is asking for public engagement throughout this process. Opportunities to voice opinions will be posted to the Southwest Housing Review Public Engagement Page.

For additional information on the Southwest Housing Review, click here to sign up for project updates.

swhr timeline

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