Lochdale Urban Village Community Plan

Lochdale Urban Village Community Plan

Zoning Bylaw Amendments Adopted

January 11, 2023 – Mayor and Council unanimously adopted the bylaw amendments for Lochdale Urban Village zoning.

A summary of the amendments is outlined in the table below. 

July 25, 2022 | City Council and Mayor Approve the Lochdale Urban Village Plan

summary of revisions to draft lochdale plan 1
Key Changes
  1. LUD change from Low Density Residential (1.75 FAR) to Low Density Residential (1.1 FAR)
  2. Inclusion of the north-south lane as a portion of the Low Density Residential (1.1 FAR) LUD, and a proposed new east-west lane connecting to Maureen Court
summary of revisions to draft lochdale plan 3
Key Changes
  1. To provide consistency between the land use designations and the character areas, in which the Village Centre Mixed-Use and Village Centre Residential areas have been consolidated into a single Character Area, which puts an emphasis on opportunities for mixed use development throughout the Village Centre. There is a small increase in maximum height range to 20 storeys in select portions of the Village Centre, to add flexibility for more varied heights and added commercial uses. Height ranges are further described in the Character Area Descriptions (Section 4.2).
  2. Moderate increase in density, without changes to allowable height, as informed by further architectural testing and analysis of rental use zoning requirements.
  3. Slight increase in maximum height to 8 storeys, to allow for higher terraced forms in select cases, as noted in the Character Area Descriptions (Section 4.2).
  4. Minor decrease in density without changes to allowable height, based on further architectural testing. It is further noted that this designation does not include rental use zoning requirements.
  5. To provide clarity that uses, densities and building heights are determined through existing zoning or on a site by site basis, in line with the intent of the designations, Plan policy, and other related City policies.

Final Lochdale Urban Village Community Plan

Anticipated Timeline

anticipated timeline jul22

On July 13th, 2022, the Final Lochdale Urban Village Community Plan will be presented to City Council by the Planning and Development Committee.  Once presented, the plan will go to a Public Hearing on July 26th, 2022, where City Council and Mayor will decide on the plan’s adoption.

lochdale general land use
eligibility banner

Lochdale Phase 3 Draft Land Use

aptblks lochdale phase 3 draft land use

DRAFT | Lochdale Urban Village Community Plan

In March of 2022, the Bainbridge Urban Village Plan was released to the public for final review before going to City Council for final adoption.

The plan provides a general framework to guide development and growth of the community into an Urban Village concept. 

A green network and multi-modal nodes will connect the eight-character areas described in the plan through tree lined paths, plazas, commercial amenities, and community services ensuring that the community serves as a fully serviced area with all amenities within a 15-minute walking distance.   Bainbridge is already a coveted neighbourhood, and with these future changes, the area is sure to become one of the most sought-after communities in Burnaby with its integration of natural resources, proximity to rapid transit, and abundance of amenities within a short walking distance.

Phase 3 Public consultation presents the draft community plan to public for feedback and comments, prior to the finalized plan being advanced to Council for consideration and approval.

Phase 2 Draft Land Use Map

lochdale phase 2 map croppedOn May 31, City Council approved Planners to proceed into Phase 2 of the Lochdale Urban Village Plan.   The plan establishes a vision to create a vibrant mixed use corridor that will redevelop over the mid and long term.   The Lochdale plan will lay out a range of opportunities including:

  • New public spaces, community services, amenities
  • Expanded mix of market/nonmarket housing
  • Increase employment opportunities
  • Replace aging building stock
  • Shift to sustainable forms of transportation
  • Become carbon neutral by 2050

The City is welcoming your feedback and will make changes accordingly as we proceed through this Phase 2 Consultation Period.

To get involved, please complete the Lochdale Plan Phase 2 online survey, which will become available on the Lochdale Plan webpage here.

Public input received during Phase 2 will inform further refinement of the Draft Vision, Land Use Concepts and Policy Directions, prior to completion of the final draft Lochdale Plan, which will be presented to City Council for their consideration in late 2021/early 2022.

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