Burnaby TOA Policy

Burnaby TOA Policy

March 2024 Update:
New Development Cost Charges(DCCs) and Amenity Contribution Charges (ACCs) have been proposed by the city of Burnaby to facilitate the infrastructure necessary to better service increased density throughout the TOAs.
A summary of the proposed new taxes is outlined below:

proposed dcc rates burnaby

January 2024 Update:
At the end of 2023, the Province of British Columbia adopted Bill 47, establishing transit supportive densities near rapid transit stations and main bus loops. These areas are collectively referred to as Transit Oriented Areas (TOAs). All municipalities that are included with the TOA have been advised by the province that they have up until June 30, 2024 to make the necessary amendments to their existing official community plans and zoning bylaws to enact the mandated changes.

Below is a summary of all the TOA maps released for Burnaby.

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